published on in gacor

Do You Believe: Is CM Punk a Lying Cheater?

No, not really. You're saying, "this group of women are ****es". I'm saying, "Dude, you don't know this group of women to be judging them like that". Its not really the same thing.

I don't need to know them to think that, when various sources indicate that they are.

Seriously, any chick at ANY job will be looked at that way if she's slept with multiple co-workers. And the fact is, the majority of women in the business sleep with wrestlers. And if you sleep with a lot of wrestlers, the term for that is called "rat," which is why I call the majority of them glorified rats.

I'm really not. You made blanket statement about a group of individuals, none of whom you know personally, that was an extremely negative and degrading one. Did you see me judge them in any negative or positive way? I just think taking it to the extreme that you've taken it to is a little caveman.

Positive, yes. You're defending up for them after I made one little comment. That's making a judgment about their character.

Rikishi, Jim Ross, Steve Austin, Molly Holly, Val Venis, Ken Kennedy, Ivory, Ric Flair, Maria, John Morrison, and Bob Holly have all had mixed things to say about the women who work in wrestling. That means when they were asked about specific women, they said specific things. Which would lead me to believe that you're "rat" to non-rat ratio really isn't any different than you'd find out there in the "real world". Which may or may not be true.

And there have been way more wrestlers than that to say that I'm right. Way more so than those who say I'm wrong, which is why I share the belief I do and I have the right to share that belief without someone getting pissy over it and thinking I'm a tool just because I call women in the business that the majority of wrestlers also call them.

Again, my problem is you're justifying treating an entire group of people like trash without knowing them. I don't think that's cool and have ALWAYS considered that an invitation to get worked up, no matter who the group of people are.

I'm not treating them like trash; I'm just saying how I feel about them. It's not like if I met Tracy I would call her a fucking rat and bring her down (not that my words would bring her down, but you know what I mean). Whereas here, I'm just stating how I feel about this topic, since that's what a public forum is for.

Also, you don't have "facts", you have rumors. We can honestly count the number of those stories that have come from the source on one hand. (by "from the source" I mean the women themselves. I think we both know from personal experience that "locker room talk" is normally 75% false.)

Well, the "rumors" back up my stance, which is why I can look at them as factual, because you don't have anything to prove me wrong other than that you refuse to judge them.

And if these women are as "disgusting" and "loose" as you say they are, then why not just sleep with them? Is it really necessary to get into relationships with THEM and then cheat on them? Even if these women are "rats" how does that justify treating them like trash? I'd really hate to be a member of a group of people that you consider lower than yourself.

This is the best point you've brought up.

However, they're still glorified rats in my mind, because they still fall for wrestlers and sleep with them. Some are casual, some of false commitments, but still... you would think that eventually they would figure out that getting in relationships with wrestlers isn't the brightest idea, yet they do it anyway and get hurt. Why should I feel sorry for them and look down at the wrestler who was smart enough to realize that it doesn't matter if I stay with her or not, she'll be on to the next guy right after I dump her ass?

Finally, even if these women are "rats". Are they really doing anything differently than "all of the men" that you claim to be sleeping around with everyone? I find it odd that these men are just men who are away from home and need someone to sleep with and these women are "ring rats".

Again, this is also a good point, but you know double standards exist. That's just the way it is. In high school, you're the man if you sleep with the head cheerleader, and the head cheerleader is a **** if she sleeps with you. I'm not saying that it's right, but that's definitely how it is.

Not to mention the fact, that many of those women work hard and train just like the men do. . . but, yeah. . .let's reduce them to the treatment of a rodent just because of their gender. . .that's perfectly acceptable.

No, I respect those who go out there and bust their ass, but regardless... I can still look at them as ****s if they act like one.

I'll gladly take on the moniker of crybaby. Doesn't really bother me at all. I don't think prejudice is silly. I don't think double standards are silly. Maybe that makes me a crybaby. I happen to be damn proud of being a crybaby.

Dude, it's cool you believe so much in feminism, but you have to admit you overreacted to one small off-handed comment.

Did I say I was looking down on anyone?

You don't have to say it; that's how you act by saying shit like "these are the most piss poor excuses I ever heard in my life" as to why someone cheated on their girlfriend, when you're Mr. Perfect because you can work in a strip club and have a successful long distance relationship.

Did I not say that I WORK in a strip club? How many morally superior people would work where I work, let alone admit it to a group of people who wouldn't have known otherwise if I didn't tell them? I made it clear in my first post that I understand that mistakes happen, but I don't see any way to justify continuous cheating. Which doesn't mean that I'm going to look down on a person for doing so, but I will not make allowances for them. I think that's just as silly. I reckognize they simply made a mistake and I move on. I, however, will keep enjoying his in ring work and not really pay any attention to his personal life.

But that's exactly what it means, man. You're taking away from someone's character just because he cheated on his girlfriend, when you have know idea what said person goes through on a daily basis. That's the "holier than thou" attitude I was talking about.

Again, I never said anything about it making him/them a bad person. I just don't think those actions are totally okay. I would address the prejudice and sexism in those closing lines again, but I don't want to beat a dead horse. You get my point and I get yours, we're just going to have to agree to disagree here.

And as I told you, I don't think they're totally okay either, UNLESS it's done to a rat, lol. Then yeah.. I think it's perfectly fine, because women in the business know what they're getting themselves into if they start a relationship with a professional wrestler.

Seriously, how many success stories are there in the business when it comes to relationships? HBK and the Nitro Girl make one, Dreamer and Beulah make one more... name another.
