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Introducing: Hannah Grace - CelebMix

Here at CelebMix, we love introducing our readers to new, up and coming talent. In this article, we introduce you to Hannah Grace, a UK-based singer and song-writer.

She has recently released an extremely emotional video for her breath-taking new single ‘Oh River,’ a track about appreciating the world around you. Hannah Grace explains the song as a track about ‘reminding yourself to be present in the moment – especially when you are with the people you love.’

In the video, the question was put to members of the public: ‘If you could relive or change any moment in your life, what would it be?,’ obtaining a variety of answers from the public, with moving answers from the moment fell in love to various personal achievements, and many other captivating stories.

‘I wanted this music video to feature real people and to highlight the beauty in both the big and small moments in life. I was so overwhelmed with how open and honest people were with us. I’m so grateful to everyone who has shared their amazing stories.’ 

Here at CelebMix, we had the opportunity to exclusively speak with Hannah Grace about her new single and the music video for the track, along with what she has planned music-wise in the coming months and more.

Your original track ‘Oh River’ has received a phenomenal response, accompanied by an incredible music video. Did you expect the reaction to both the track and video to be what it was?

‘I try not to expect anything, but of course it’s really amazing when something you’ve written gets such a positive response! I feel like the song and the video have had very real reactions. I’ve been overwhelmed by people sharing their stories. The song is about living in the moment and connecting with those around you – the response has been exactly that – people taking time out of their day to listen and sharing it with the people they love.’

Since you asked individuals in your music video this question, we thought we would ask you: ‘If you could re-live or change one moment in your life, what would it be?’

‘If I could change something, I would definitely try not to worry so much. As I said in the video, worrying often gets in the way of me enjoying or realising the moment I’m in.

If I could re-live any moment, it would probably be a moment when I was most worry-free. Being a child on the beach with my family – I was lucky to have such a wonderful childhood. Or up in the mountains in Wales finding a clear perspective. Nature has always been a huge source of calm and peace for me. Maybe that’s why so many of my lyrics reference nature – ‘Oh River’ being no exception.’ 

When did you realise your passion for music?

‘It was never something that I realised in one moment. I always had it – it was always part of my life. My family always listened to music, danced to music, cried and laughed to music and it was an integral part of growing up for me. I always sang, from nursery rhymes and folk songs to jazz standards and pop hits! Writing my own songs soon became a way in which I expressed myself. So much inspiration came from my family – ‘Oh River’ was hugely influenced by my Dad who always says: ‘Be with the ones you’re with.”

What else can we expect from you in the coming months music-wise?

‘For the last year or so, I’ve been writing my album. I have really started to see it come together over the last few months and have recorded a lot of the songs. I am literally so excited to share them with the world – I am so proud of it already and have been lucky enough to work with some amazing writers and producers that have really made it a wonderful experience.

But I am most excited about performing the album live for people! Playing live is one of my favourite things.’ 

Finally, do you have a message for your supporters?

‘To anyone that listens to my music, THANK YOU! I can’t wait to share all my new songs and play some shows to some lovely people!’ 

Make sure you stay up-to-date with Hannah Grace on her official Twitter account.

‘Oh River’ can be purchased on iTunes by clicking here and can also be streamed on Spotify, along with being available on all other responsible music-purchasing outlets.

Let us know your thoughts on Hannah Grace and her track over on our Twitter: @CelebMix.
