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NCIS: New Orleans Recap 2/23/16: Season 2 Episode 16 Second Chances

NCIS: New Orleans Recap 2/23/16: Season 2 Episode 16 "Second Chances"

Tonight on CBS NCIS: New Orleans returns with an all new Tuesday February 23, season 2 episode 16 called, “Second Chances,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the team tracks stolen Navy TNT to a warehouse, where they discover a domestic drug ring.

On the last episode when a mystery man saved the life of a Lieutenant and then disappeared from the scene, the NCIS team unraveled a new case when forensic evidence suggested he was a soldier who was captured in Afghanistan years ago and never found. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “the team tracks stolen Navy TNT to a warehouse, where they discover a domestic drug ring led by Sonja’s childhood friend that’s producing their own cocaine.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s NCIS: New Orleans at 9:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the season 2 episode 16.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#NCISNOLA starts with a guy riding his bike down the streets of New Orleans. He heads to the Navy yard at a construction site. He tells the men he sees there that they can’t be back there without clearance as he sees them unloading boxes. One of the men attacks him and he’s impaled on a spike of rebar.

LaSalle tells Brody that Percy hasn’t called back and it’s been a week. Brody says Sonja is probably off getting an advanced certification. LaSalle says she could have returned his text and Brody says maybe she blocked him. She calls him a work husband.

Pride tells them the victim is Petty Officer Tobin. He says the guy had a spotless record and was overseeing construction on the base. Loretta says he died of blood loss from the spike. She says his face is bruised and there are defensive wounds too.

LaSalle points out a body camera near Tobin. LaSalle says the USB port is busted and Chill tries to recover the footage. He’s in his new van that he calls a portable command center but Brody calls it a rolling man cave.

They get the footage and see him riding his bike. They see the attack and his death then get the face of the killer. They assume the person had an access code to get onto the base. They pull it and get the name Julian Kaufman. He runs a local construction company.

His access was restricted and he shouldn’t be back where Tobin found him. Pride puts a BOLO out on all of Kaufman’s vans. They get him but he’s dead since he fled from cops and flipped his van. They see the back of the van is empty but the crate looks like explosive ordinance.

Brody says they are looking for more stuff. Kaufman was the demolitions guy and Brody says the guy had talked the site coordinator into doubling the order. LaSalle says it’s twice as much as was used in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Chill comes in and says Kaufman has a membership to MarketUnderground online. He says the guy was also getting BitCoin deposits. He found the user name Triple-Z and shows them chat history. Brody says he was stealing TNT and delivering it.

Pride says Loretta and Sebastian have something and he heads out. Loretta says Kaufman had a meal in his gut she just took out. She says there was undigested food and he ate an hour before he flipped the car. Sebastian says it’s alligator with sausage and Wonder bread.

He says he found the recipe online and says it’s from Mama Gator’s Diner off highway 90. LaSalle and Brody head there and she’s creeped out. LaSalle says she’s too judgy. They find the owner out back who asks if it’s about her hunting permit.

They show her a pic of Kaufman and she says she never saw him. LaSalle spots something on the dock and she says they need a warrant but he says not if contraband is in plain view. He found explosive residue.

Brody says talk and make a deal or you can go down for conspiracy to commit a terrorist act. She says the guy came in a couple of months back and offered her big bucks to use her dock. She says he’s shipping crates but she doesn’t know where they’re going.

Sebastian tells Pride he has an idea how to track the boat using oil trails. He starts at the gator place and then changes the aperture on the satellite and finds an oil trail at a fort. Pride says the Confederate army built forts and they zoom in on it.

There’s tarps covering the area so satellites can’t see what’s there. Pride heads out. The team tackles a guy who’s on guard at the old fort and they move in closer. The team moves in and finds coca leaves. LaSalle calls them over to another area in a tunnel.

They find the explosives and see they are not making bombs. Pride says they’re making cocaine. A guy leaves on a boat and LaSalle calls it in. Pride holds the others at gunpoint. He finds Sonja there. She’s undercover!

Pride talks to Sonja and says he gave her permission to observe not go into this operation. She says she was working on Marion’s crew but she didn’t see her because she’s just pulling the strings. The DEA is there and they wonder why they’re producing cocaine in the states.

The DEA guy says it’s easier to ship the leaves since they’re harder to sniff out than finished product. Pride cuffs her again and says when this is done, they will talk. Sebastian runs a check on the leaves and says it’s from an orchid and bleach.

Looks like they are coming through a florist since that’s who uses the chemical. They find LeGrand florist is the only one that imports these. Sonja goes to the shop and asks for the orchid. Marion comes out. Sonja and Marion talk history.

Sonja says flowers, huh, and Marion says it’s steady job. Marion says they’re out of those orchids and tells her to say hi to her folks. She leaves with a bunch of bags on her. LaSalle waits in the car and Sonja says Marion just left.

Pride says the dealer they’re targeting worked in meth. Banks, the DEA guy, is impressed. Nathan Litke is the boat captain and they work with the Payton Kirk’s outfit – it’s the Bayou Drug Syndicate. Brody says Kirk made changes and focused on coke.

Banks says Kirk did a hostile takeover and they wonder if Marion is working with that syndicate. Banks gets a call and says Litke is dead of an apparent OD. LaSalle and Sonja watch Marion and she says her family took Marion in when she was in trouble.

She says they were super close, like her sister. She says she told Marion everything. She says Marion developed a drug habit and she told her choose the drugs or her friendship. LaSalle gets a text and says Nathan Litke is dead.

Sonja says she’s got to get Marion because they can’t lose another lead. LaSalle says wait for backup but she says no. They hear what sounds like gunshots and kick the door in. Marion is with her family and it’s a child’s birthday party.

Pride is furious at Sonja for busting into Marion’s house without backup. He says we could have put a tail on her and she would have led us right up the food chain. He says Sonja is trying to settle an old score. He says she can’t go in and talk to her.

Pride and Banks come in and Marion asks who’s the good cop and who’s the bad. Pride says they know she’s manufacturing coke. They have evidence from her car that she was transporting the raw materials. Marion says some NOPD cops offered her a deal.

She says she snitched for a reduced sentence and says the crew poured lye on her arms and legs and shows them the burns. She says no thanks, I’ll do my time. Pride says think of your little girl. Marion says it’s better she visit her behind bars than my grave.

Loretta did Litke’s autopsy and tells Brody her results. She says he OD’d but not on coke. She says they don’t know yet what it is. Sebastian comes in breathless and says it’s bad. He says the chemicals used to wash the cocaine, the TNT, was supposed to wash out.

But instead, it killed him. They know they’ve got to get the tainted drugs off the street. LaSalle tells Pride to let Sonja take a crack at her. Sonja says she can do this and Pride lectures her. Sonja comes in and says the last batch is toxic.

She says the drugs will hit the street, people will die all over the city. Marion says it has nothing to do with her. Sonja says she knows she doesn’t want people to die. She says Kirk will take something from her – like her daughter.

Marion says she tried to go straight when she had her daughter Brianne. Sonja lectures her and Marion says you can’t escape her past. She says her brother Davis was working for the syndicate and screwed up dealing on the side. She says Payton Kirk killed him and she got sucked back in.

Sonja says her auntie that she says will take care of Brianne has a criminal record and social services won’t give her custody. She says Brianne will go into the system and bounce house to house. Sonja says give us Kirk and where to find the missing coke or else.

Marion says she turned her back on her when she needed her. Marion says she’ll cooperate but she wants Sonja to stay the hell away from her once this is done. The team is ready to move in and take Payton Kirk.

Marion is out there to meet him. The team watches. She says she’s got no tail and says they need to talk about the last batch. Kirk shushes her and says get in. He says they can take a drive. Sonja says this doesn’t feel right. Pride tells LaSalle to tail her.

They listen on the wire. Kirk says Marion is a threat to her business and says her debt will be paid off after this. They hear shots fired and they speed up to catch up. They are heading into the tunnel and are a few cars behind.

They find Marion lying shot in the road. Sonja runs to help her. Pride and Brody chase down Kirk’s car and cut him off. The back of the car is empty. Sonja works to save Marion’s life. Brody says the driver is scared and he’s just an Uber driver.

They wonder where Kirk went to – he hopped out of the car in the middle of traffic. Pride asks if traffic cams caught him and Banks says no. Pride says Kirk made Marion before the meet was set and he planned this whole thing and chose the tunnel for a reason.

Pride says he knew another way out. They spot a door in the side. Brianne and her aunt are at the hospital and LaSalle checks on them. LaSalle tells Sonja that Marion is in surgery and it looks good. He says the bullet barely missed her heart.

Sonja says she felt like she couldn’t trust Marion back in the day. LaSalle says it’s hard to let people back in when they break your trust? Brody tells Pride that the tunnel opens up a mile out and Chill found a camera that picked him up coming out and they get the plates on his car.

They also have Kirk’s ghost on the plate – it’s another person. They find a mansion in the Garden District. The DEA and NCIS teams roll out. Sonja points out that Auntie’s car is at Kirk’s place and they know she’s the one who sold out Marion.

Sonja offers to go in and says she can get past security and it’s good so long as Auntie doesn’t see her. Sonja says she has to protect Brianne. She pulls off her NCIS vest and heads to the house. Pride alerts the teams that she’s going in.

Woody stops her and tells her to step off. Sonja says she needs to talk to Kirk about something coming down. He lets her past then goes to tell Kirk she’s there. Sonja sits nervously and then goes to another room to look around.

She hears Brianne playing. She grabs her up and says they have to go see her mommy but Kirk catches her. She says he’s done and they’re surrounded. He says he’s got Brianne and her and says they’re even. Pride contacts the sniper who says he doesn’t have a shot.

Sonja positions herself so that the sniper can get a clean shot. Auntie runs out the front door but the agents are there. Sonja comforts Brianne and says it’s all okay. Sonja tells Marion she got her into witness protection.

Marion says she doesn’t want her charity and Sonja says this is her chance to give her daughter a better life than she had. She leaves the papers and then Marion says she heard what she did for Brianne. She says going in that house was dangerous.

Sonja says things got mixed up between them but Brianne was innocent. Sonja tells her that it might be too late, but she’s sorry that she didn’t help Marion before. Pride shows up to Sonja’s place with the team to make gumbo.

Pride tells Sonja she’s important to the team and says they come first. Sonja says she gets it. LaSalle has homemade wine and makes Sonja try some. They toast to new beginnings.

