published on in gacor

Ssgt Tyler Ziegel

Staff Sergeant of Marines

October 16, 1982 - December 26, 2012

Being in a reserve unit, the Marines in the Company are from all around the area. One Marine named Tyler Ziegel was from right around here in Metamora. Tyler ran around with several of they guys from our unit and knew a lot of them from high school. I am also a local Marine and ran around with the same group of Marines outside of the drill center. Tyler and I weren't extremely close, but got along really well and always enjoyed each others company.

With a lot of us being local and hanging out, outside of our drill weekend, along with the fact that we had all just been through a tough deployment, we a pretty close knit family. We would have done anything for eachother, and stuck together through everything. A few months after we returned home from our first deployment, we got word that they were looking for volunteers to go back. Most of us wanted to go back, to try right the wrong that had happened, and not let our brothers die in vein. In the end, our entire company returned to the Iraq war in August of 2004.

Tyler was in a different platoon than I, being that he was in 2nd platoon. This meant that he did not go on the same missions that I did while deployed. 2nd platoon stayed back at AL ASAD air base while 1st platoon went on to support the Fallujah conflict. There were several other smaller bases around the area that required 2nd platoons help in order to be maintained. They would go out daily on mine sweeping missions keeping the paths to and from base to base free and clear of any mines or IED's. 2nd platoon had it pretty rough, dealing daily with the enemy on these convoys. This type of fighting, as far as the Iraqis go, isn't how you may envision in your head. They all wear normal street clothes and blend in well with the civilians. Rules of engagement prevent the US forces from doing much of anything if they are thought to be dealing with civilians. This made it very difficult for 2nd platoon, and the rest of the US military, to determine when there was a threat present.

On December 24, 2004 a convoy went out on another clearing mission. This day had cluttered traffic on the road with with a mix of military vehicles and civilian Iraqi vehicles. The convoy came to a stop several times and left the sitting vehicles, like sitting ducks. With the Iraqis blending in well with civilians, they were able to breach the roadway in a sort of a van, full of napalm. This van was sitting next to one of our vehicles in the convoy and the cowards inside blew themselves up, along with the van, right next to our convoy. This sent the sticky explosive napalm out in every direction and destroyed one of our 7ton trucks, and injured everyone on board. Lance Corporal Tyler Ziegel was one who took the heaviest hit. Everyone made it out alive by the grace of god, and through the fearless help of other fellow Marines who further risked their lives, to save the ones who were injured.

Tyler in particular was in pretty bad shape. He was burned from head to toe, and lost parts of his hands, his ears, and a lot of facial features. Years of theorpy and many surgeries later, Tyler tried to re-learn life as he knew it and make the most of what he had. Tyler lived a very productive life after this meeting a lot of important people and doing what he could to make a difference. Ty was full of energy and never wanted anyone to feel sorry for him, he was full of pride and never regretted what had happened to him, he embraced it, and was proud to have been side by side with his brothers on that unforgettable day.

Years have passed since then, and Tyler was rolling through life like the rest of us. One day in December of 2012, the 26th to be exact, Ty slipped on a patch of ice outside a local restaurant near Metamora. He hit his head and went to the hospital, but never made it back out. Tyler Ziegel passed away on December 26th 2012 here at home, surrounded by his loved ones.

I can say that Tyler inspired me to be a better person, and not to worry about the little things in life. Life in itself is the greatest gift of all. Thanks for being a part of my life Tyler. I miss you. REST IN PEACE brother!

About Tyler Ziegel
