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Where are Bobby Kent's killers now?

Decades after Bobby Kent's 1993 murder case, which involved his childhood best friend Martin "Marty" Puccio and six other people, ID's People Magazine Presents: Crimes of the 90s is now set to revisit the murder of the vicious bully in its upcoming episode. Season 1 episode 2 titled Murder Pact will air this Thursday, August 4, 2022, at 8 pm ET.

The official synopsis states:

"In 1993, investigators find the body of a young Florida man in the Everglades; when homicide investigators question his group of friends, they uncover a sordid world of s*x, prostitution, and bullying."

Trigger warning: This article contains information about graphic violence.

It all started when 20-year-old Puccio, a bodybuilder and Kent's childhood friend, found himself confiding in Lisa Connelly, his girlfriend, about the years of torture he endured at the hands of his so-called best friend. The two were allegedly part of a rocky friendship that had tormented Marty for years.

Now that he was about to become a father, things had to change, and Lisa made sure to pull him out of a perpetual and agonizing bond. Five others pitched in on the plot to eliminate the threat once and for all.

Read more about the seven perpetrators involved in Bobby Kent's 1993 murder.

How did Bobby Kent's killers murder him all those years ago?

The seven individuals involved in the murderous plot were Marty Puccio (20), Lisa Connelly (18), Alice "Ali" Willis (17), Donald Semenec (17), Heather Swallers (18), Derek Dzvirko and hitman Derek Kaufman. While authorities believe Connelly was the mastermind behind the plan to eliminate Bobby Kent, the remaining six were either involved in the killing of the 20-year-old bodybuilder or were present at the crime scene.

Willis, Kent's ex-girlfriend and an alleged victim of abuse and s*xual violence during her short-term relationship with the victim, was expected to keep him occupied while the others laid out the plan. Following the plan, she took him to a secluded area at the location to where the perpetrators had lured him and he followed in hopes of having another go with his former girlfriend.

Ali's then-boyfriend Donald attacked Bobby, stabbing him in the neck and commencing the plan that the group had so carefully orchestrated. As soon as Bobby saw Marty, he begged the man for help while profusely apologizing for all he had done. In retaliation, Marty stabbed Bobby in the stomach. The alleged bully even tried to escape but was outnumbered.

The last blow came when Derek Kaufman walked up and struck Bobby with an aluminum baseball bat. Afterwards, Derek Dzvirko assisted in disposing of the corpse. Lisa reportedly had nothing to do with the murder itself. They left the body at the edge of a lake near Weston, Florida, where he was discovered about four weeks later, in hopes that alligators would consume what was left of Bobby Kent.

What happened to Bobby Kent's killers?

Bobby's best friend Marty, who was initially sentenced to death, is now serving life in the Desoto Annex in Arcadia. Ali's then-boyfriend Donald is also serving life at the Gulf Correctional Institute in Wewahitchka along with "hit man" Derek Kaufman.

Lisa Connelly was released in 2004 after serving 11 years in prison and currently lives in Pennsylvania with two children. She has maintained a low-profile ever since her release. Alice Willis was also reportedly released after serving six years in prison and now lives in Melbourne, Florida with her husband and four children.

Moreover, Connelly's cousin, who testified against the others in exchange for a plea deal, served six years in minimum security and currently lives in Missouri as a single father of one. Lastly, Heather Swallers, who got away with a minor sentence after pleading guilty to second-degree murder, was released after five years in minimum security and now lives in Georgia with her children.

How were they caught?

Things spiraled for the lot when Lisa told her mother about the murder, who then called her sister, Dzvirko’s mother. Their mothers took them to see their brother who had connections in the police department.

Following that, they were told to contact Detective Frank Illaraza of the Broward County Sheriff's Office. In addition to spilling the beans to Illaraza, Dzvirko also escorted the investigator to the spot where Bobby Kent's body had been placed by his assailants. When Bobby's body was discovered, the perpetrators instantly fell apart and started making up reasons why he had to die.

Police began apprehending the murderous crew within days, and they soon started turning on one another. Three out of the seven are still in prison serving their respective life sentences. Others have been freed after serving periods appropriate for their roles in the murder of Bobby Kent.

Tune in to People Magazine Presents: Crimes of the 90s on Investigation Discovery to find out more about Bobby Kent's 1993 murder this Thursday, August 4, at 8 pm ET.

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